Business Name Change
Business owners and other authorized individuals can submit a name change for their business. The specific action required may vary depending on the type of business. If the EIN was recently assigned and filing liability has yet to be determined, send Business Name Change requests to IRS, Stop 6055, Kansas City, MO 64999.
In some situations a name change may require a new Employer Identification Number (EIN) or a final return. See Publication 1635, Understanding Your EIN, to make this determination.
The name of a company or LLP can be changed by the promoters at anytime after incorporation. Some of the major reasons for change of company name are business model change, change of promoters, rebranding, etc., To change the name of a company, shareholders approval is required along with approval from the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. The change of name of a company or LLP however has no impact on the legal entity or its existence. Hence, all assets and liabilities of the entity would continue, while only the name of the company would have been changed.
Change of company name requires passing of a board resolution, obtaining name approval from MCA, passing of a special resolution and applying for approval of new company name to the MCA. If the MCA accepts the application, a new certificate of incorporation is issued. After obtaining the new certificate of incorporation, changes must be made to incorporate and change the MOA and AOA of the company as well.
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